Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Changes in your breasts happen way before the baby is born. Your body is preparing itself for milk production. You may feel a tingling sensation, a dull pain or outright agony in your bigger and lumpier breasts. The areola (dark area around each nipple) grows even more darker as the milk ducts mature. You can help prepare your breast for breastfeeding by wearing comfortable bras that provide god support. Now is not the time to wear push-ups! But bigger size bras as your breasts enlarge. Keep your breasts clean with daily baths using mild soap. Secretions from your breasts might start to come out now. Make sure you gently wipe any dried secretions blocking the opening of the milk ducts. Rub lanolin on your nipples to keep them supple and prevent skin cracking. Ouch! If your nipples are too short, flat or invented, pull out each nipple and roll and gently pull it between thumb and finger. From the 7th month of pregnancy, squeeze the areola gently a few minutes a day to open up milk ducts.

Posted by desperateblogger On 10/08/2008 08:09:00 AM No comments

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