Monday, October 6, 2008

My kids, plus Ethan and I, went to the mall yesterday. We took Chuck, our choco lab, with us. Good thing we did as there was a dog's food promo going on and upon Chuck's registration, we were given about 3 K of prime dog food, free! So off we went strolling and window shopping. As we passed by one sports shop, my son said that he needs new slippers. When he says "slippers" he does not mean the cheap flip flops. He means Birkenstock, Crocs and (heaven forbid) Sanuk sandals. Yup! My unico hijo wants the Sanuk. Daughter # 4 said not to worry for a Junior batch at her school are doing a simulation jobs in retail and Sanuk is one of the brands for sale. She said that prices are real low and that if I buy from the group I'd be helping in a big way. Okay. Let's see the catalog.
Posted by desperateblogger On 10/06/2008 07:48:00 AM No comments

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