Monday, October 6, 2008

You might feel you are on top of your health as at any time in your life during the months that you are carrying your baby. But you need to take some precautions too as your concern is not only with yourself but more so with the life you are carrying. Of course you should try to lead as normal a life as possible. For instance, you can generally carry on with your favorite sport like swimming, tennis, badminton, aerobics,golf and others as long as your doctor gives you the go signal. There are pregnant women who do modified weights and Pilates until their due dates to keep fit and trim. Don't be silly and start on a new sport. Wait until after the birth.

Most new mommies ask if sexual intercourse is permitted during pregnancy. It may be continued normally with the physical limitations set by your growing tummy. If, however, you have a history of bleeding, better ask your doctor first.

Alcohol and smoking are definite no-no's during pregnancy especially during the first and last trimester. Smoking generally affects the birth weight of the baby. The baby may be premature, his mental and physical development may be retarded and his subsequent growth delayed compared to his peers.

Traveling is of course permitted as long as you have no other pregnancy problems. I drive until my due date. I find it quite uncomfortable though since I use stick shift cars.

It's alright to do housework during your term. You are pregnant, not an invalid. I suggest that you don't do heavy lifting as heavy cleaning.Make sure you wear appropriate shoes too. I've seen pregnant women in high heels! If I wore high-heels during my pregnancies I'd fall flat on my face and maybe break ankle or calf. Again. Wear sensible shoes.

Enjoy your pregnant moments. They are precious!
Posted by desperateblogger On 10/06/2008 07:07:00 AM 1 comment

1 comment:

  1. It is always good to post something about pregnancy and conception to any mommy friendly blogs like yours. I enjoyed reading your posts.


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