Back in the days when the first generation bellbottomed-denim pants thrived, my skin was so flawlessly fair and pink. Most called m beautiful complexion "balat sibuyas" as it was soft, smooth. Over the years of Cavite sun and salty air, the travails of motherhood and familyhood, my fair and youthful skin gradually faded. I woke up one morning and saw staring back at me, a taunt,dark and melasma-spotted face! Oh no! I looked so old!
I don't have the time and inclination (and money) to troop to the nearest dermatologist to fix my face. I just want to look the melasma out and for my face complexion to even out. I heard about SkinWhite - that it's supposed to you that :"beautiful blush white skin". Alright. It had me at "beautiful".
Well, the result was not instant but in a week's time I saw some improvements. After a month's use, the melasma are barely visible. In two month's, the melasma is gone and my skin was more subtle, with less wrinkles. In three month's time, my friends said I looked like a "meztisa" as my facial complexion is fair and pink!
Seems like SkinWhite has that SYNCHROWHITE ACTION that:
WHITENS the skin’s surface
REDUCES formation of new dark pigments at its source
NOURISHES skin with Vitamins
PROTECTS skin against toxins and UV rays
... and that is how I got my beautiful blush white skin! Even my three Princes Charming (hubby, my son and Ethan) noticed!