Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My OB-GYN suggested that I consider breastfeeding as an option in feeding my coming baby. What?! Breastfeed?! My breasts will sag! Then in my mind flashed the many images of women I saw breastfeeding their babies in jeepneys, at a corner market stall, by the sidewalk at Recto, our laundry woman - while simultaneously taking a drag on her cigarette and rinsing out laundry. Remember, it was the 80's and there was not much propaganda for nor advocates of breastfeeding. I read up on the subject and I was converted. Breast milk is best for baby. What are the pros of breastfeeding?

For Mothers:
* It is available anytime, anywhere, no preparation needed
* Helps the womb and other stretched tissues to shrink back to its former size.

* Delays menstruation
* Actually helps in to lose weight
* Bonding time with baby

For Babies:
* Breast milk contains all the nutrients required by babies for normal growth and development
* The composition of breast milk adjusts to the baby's needs. Colostrum is produced first then after a few weeks turns to more mature milk.
* Breast milk contains antibodies that will protect the baby for the first 6 months from infections.
* It is easy on the baby's tummy, preventing constipation or lose bowel movement
* It is important in building the bind between mother and child.

The notion that your breasts will sag once you breastfeed is a myth. However, your breasts will eventually sag, whether you like it or not. It comes with age!
Posted by desperateblogger On 10/07/2008 06:18:00 PM No comments

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