Daughter # 1 and 3, on occasions, come home after each duty with horror stories to tell. Both are in the medical and dental professions and "errors" are inevitable in some cases. I was really bothered by the case of a young man who had appendectomy and died hours after the supposedly successful operation. What happened? No one knows yet as an autopsy had to be performed. Daughter # 3 said that a colleague of hers performed dental surgery and the patient just died after the anesthesiologist gave the patient some medications to sleep. Horror stories! We should all take extra precautions concerning our health.
Daughter # 1 is now serious about getting our own Automated External Defibrillator as both my mother-in-law and husband are cardiac patients. She said that she has been telling my sister-in-law to get one for the longest time. I think she already called her uncle, his dad's brother who lives in Texas, to buy an America AED before coming home to Manila in two weeks time. She said the offered packages on sale at the site are worth the price. The site offers free medical prescriptions and medical authorization on all AEDs. I asked daughter # 1 if the AED would be easy to operate. Daughter #1 said that any idiot could be taught how to use it. Well now, I could actually learn to operate it!
Daughter # 1 is now serious about getting our own Automated External Defibrillator as both my mother-in-law and husband are cardiac patients. She said that she has been telling my sister-in-law to get one for the longest time. I think she already called her uncle, his dad's brother who lives in Texas, to buy an America AED before coming home to Manila in two weeks time. She said the offered packages on sale at the site are worth the price. The site offers free medical prescriptions and medical authorization on all AEDs. I asked daughter # 1 if the AED would be easy to operate. Daughter #1 said that any idiot could be taught how to use it. Well now, I could actually learn to operate it!