Friday, October 10, 2008

My new baby and I went home to my mother's house after checking out of the hospital. I figured I would feel more comfortable in my mom's house while my body healed itself and return to normal. To accommodate the growing baby, the womb have stretched about 10 times its normal size. The womb contracts very quickly in the first few days after birth expelling a certain amount of blood in the process. The muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, also stretched in pregnancy, also recover but they may not return to the condition they were in prior to pregnancy. This is true in normal deliveries. As your womb contracts, a sharp pain may be felt much like menstruation cramps. Some mothers find it hard to pass urine or move bowels at this time too. Better ask your doctor if you experience pain.

Be sure to keep your self clean. There's an old wives' tale popular in the Philippines that a new mother cannot bathe for about a month after delivery. The new mother needs to be covered head to toe to keep the cold out. I took my first bath while still at the hospital. That nearly put my mother-in-law into cardiac arrest. She believes that bathing should be done a month after birth, no more, no less and in the care of a "hilot" - a midwife of some sort.The "bathing" incident made me decide to go home to my mama.
Posted by desperateblogger On 10/10/2008 07:28:00 AM 2 comments


  1. maybe few weeks from now, i will also deliver my mother also said that.. don't know yet if i can take it not to take a bath for a month...congratulation in your new baby!

  2. maricel: oh wow! a new baby on the way... congrats in advance. my new baby is 27 yrs old and is now a doctor. =)

    you should take a bath as soon as you can walk to the bathroom. it's unsanitary not to.


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