Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Here's the continuation and third chapter on The Truth Hurts. Nasty's email to Dero Pedero.

What you are faced with didn't just happen overnight-it developed and grew into a monster in the course of time.Deeply imbedded in the psyche of the Filipino is the amalgamation of the characters and events that have impacted your lives - Dona Victorina, Dona Concepcion, poor Sisa as well the other hilarious and tragic characters of Dr. Jose Rizal...

Stonehill... the notorious gangsters immortalized by your Filipino movies like Asiong Salonga (hmmm!), et al...thekillers in your (I thought they'd never end!) massacre movies...those cheap, appalling _title_s of your movies...those staged 'religious miracles' that your naive masses believed...family men with pushy queridas(mistresses) ...your crooked politicians, undependable police officers and greedy customs collectors.. .yourbribe-hungry court judges...Imeldific, gloriously smilingand crying at the same time, bejeweled. (How very Fellini!)

What you are is the sum total of your history, your heritage and culture,your education, the crap that your press sensationalizes, the bad icons that your movies glorify, the artificial values your advertising extols, thebad examples your leaders and role models project. What you feed your country's mind is what it becomes. You have become the ugly monster that you've created. You are nowcrying all the tears your sickeningly sentimental movieswailed out for years and years!

Your Biggest Fault If there is one thing that comes to mind, I think your biggest fault would be your individual greed. 'Ako muna!' seems to be the national mantra. The trouble is,very few people think for the common good in a deplorable 'to each his own kurakot' festival. Coupled by your crab mentality of pushing down others, this can be fatal.You think barangay, not national. Hello, everybody elsearound the world is thinking global! Europe is unshackling her national boundaries while you are building fences around your nipa huts.

Do yourselves a favor and look at your nation as a ship.All of you are in it and it is sinking! Realize youroneness-what hurts your brother hurts you, too. Think about the future of your children and the succeeding generations,and do something about it quick before your poor little banca plunges forever into the irretrievable depths of despair.

Star-Struck Nation. You are a nation of star-struck ignoramuses. You are easily awed by your mo vie stars who are usually nothing but uneducated, aquiline- nosed and light-skinned ********picked up from some gutter somewhere. I have seen what these artistas illusionadas can get away with. They just flashtheir capped-tooth smiles and policemen let them get away with traffic violations; they bat their false eyelashes andcustoms officers impose no duty on their suspicious balikbayan boxes.

Worst of all, with the Filipino movie industry taking anosedive, hordes of actors and show personalities went intopolitics. It is, as they say, the next bes 'racket'-there is more money to be made in thepoliticking business than in show business! (And what is this I hear that in the coming elections, more are jumping into the arena? Mag-hara-kiri na kayo!) How can you expectthese comedians and actors, who only know how to take directions from their directors, to direct your nation? For them,politics will just be an 'act'. No big surprise here, for they are mere actors with no original _script_s to speak, no original visions to share. So what can you expect but a government that is a comedy of errors. Serves you and your star- struck nation right!

My Zen master says, 'Give unto Caesar what is due toCaesar, but keep Charlie Chaplin on the silver screen tomake us laugh.' To survive, you must teach yourcitizenry to say no to three things - no to drugs, no tostealing and graft and corruption, and no to artistas in politics. I hope you've learned your lesson by now.(Yours is the only country where Mexican soap stars arereceived like royalty in the presidential palace. How shoddy! God forbid-Fernando Carrillo might end up being yournext president. At least he has great abs and doesn't wobble like a penguin when he walks!)

For those artistas who honestly believe that they can makea positive difference in the Filipino masses' life, theymust first study law, business and public administration,and immerse themselves in the life and passion of Mother Teresa. Politics is not an art for dilettante artistas to dabble in. It is called 'Political Science,' hello?!

Educate Your Masses.Educate the masses - especially your electorate. What you need is an intelligent vote aside from, of course,intelligent candidates. The University of San Carlos in CebuCity , founded in 1595, and the University of Santo Tomas in Manila , established in 1611, are the oldest universities in Asia , and are even older than Harvard. But the standard of Pinoy education has deteriorated so much that the Philippines ranks among the poorest in the educational hierarchy of Asia . Education, education, education –that' s what you need in this age of information,information, information.

final chapter to follow.
Posted by desperateblogger On 11/18/2008 07:21:00 AM No comments

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