Friday, November 28, 2008

I had a hectic day. After dropping off Ethan in school, I rushed to my job site which is about an hour's drive from my starting point. I had to get at the job site before 11:00 a.m. so I can finish all those little irritations that need to be tackled and done. I can only stay for about 2.5 hours max for I was supposed to pick Ethan at 2:45 p.m. I arrived at the job site at 10:55 a.m. I was surprised to see that my clients were there too. I learned that they decided to come so they can buy the air conditioning unit and venetian blinds for the office. I offered to tag along to facilitate quick and correct choices. We went to a nearby mall, chose and bought the items needed. Since it was near lunch time we decided to eat. My clients and I got to discussing different topics and before long it was 1:55 p.m. I got so carried away with the talking I forgot the time. There's no way I can get to Ethan on time. This is definitely one of those time that talking watches can be useful. I hurriedly called hubby end explained my predicament. Ethan was fetched on time.
Posted by desperateblogger On 11/28/2008 06:19:00 PM 2 comments


  1. Sound a lot like my life. busy busy busy

  2. jennielee: yup, but we still cope, right?


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