Saturday, January 17, 2009

My first blog post was dated January 30, 2008. Yup! This month I celebrate my first year anniversary of blogging. This post is my 883rd one. Wow! Was I really that prolific? I started blogging because of some prodding from friends. I was quite contented in airing my angst and what-have-you in my social networking sites. I don't actually have much contacts -just friends and relatives. One or two expressed that I should do some really serious blogging for they find delight in reading my "family" stories. Ummm...Why not? The timing was perfect for I have let go of all online 'rackets' err... businesses I was into. Scams! I lost some money because of those MLMs.

So. I got myself a blogspot. There were many suggestions as to what I should call my blog. One was "BlogKoTo". Another was "KaBlog". The one I liked though was desperateblogger thus my blogger ID and blogspot URL was desperateblogger101. I was pretty relax in my blogging back then. For February I was only able to do 19 posts. Gradually, I became more involved. I got to know more bloggers. I realized that there are a lot of moms who blog and some even blog for money. In a matter of months I was indoctrinated to the world of paid blogging. I studied in earnest the ins and outs of blogs, SEO, backlinks, PRs, traffic and even got myself a domain. Whoever said that it's easy to earn money by blogging is demented!

After a year of blogging, what can I say? I have met so many wonderful people through the net. I have encountered some gross ones too. I have read some truly outstanding and interesting posts as I have read some that made my nosebleed. I have come to recognize the writing styles of some bloggers and have even stored in memory facts about them.

What do I do to celebrate my first year anniversary of blogging? Contest? Maybe. But, I don't like contests that would require RSS subscription to my blog or doing a post about it. That seems coercion to me and I can't think of a prize anyway. Ummm... any suggestions?
Posted by desperateblogger On 1/17/2009 09:31:00 PM 11 comments


  1. wow, happy anniv! =)

    reading your post really inspired me to blog more and (hopefully) do better. Congrats and keep it up!

    how bout "win-a-date-contest" kind of thing with hot celebs like Marian or papa Piolo (hehehe) in preparation na rin for valentines..noh :D

  2. Congratulations Lena!

    ~Herson and Sheena

  3. @ michael: kaya nga blog more! do a post at least 2x a week naman.

    win-a-date? nice one but how could i contact papa piolo? pwede kaya win a date na lang with you?

    @ splice and sheena: thanks! btw, i love the light post you did re the "cold" months. i was trying to comment but can't. error daw.

  4. huwaat?? win-a-date-with-me?!!

    utang na loob! walang kakagat sa contest!!! That would mean zero web traffic, losing all your loyal visitors and eventually, shutting down your site.. so please do yourself a favor.. hehehe :D

    how bout giving away cool stuff like ipod, a new celfone, "laptop"... ahahaha :D pag ganun, eh expect my full participation =)

  5. wow, congrats!

    in one year, you've accomplished a lot -- and i mean a PR3, a sony walkman, and a tv stint! di biro yun! achievement to the highest level itey.

    as for the prize, i go with mike's laptop suggestion. nyehehe. :p

  6. Happy anniversary, and being on top of the search engine for blogs of pinoy moms is quite a feat. Here's wishing you more successes this year 2009. All the best.

  7. Happy Anniv Ma'am Lena! Keep on blogging!

  8. I agree with Iva. achievement to the highest level talaga yun. =)

    pacontest kana. prize yun burberry bag ni daughter no. 4. hehe

    a {GIRL for all status
    tales of a pinay single mommy
    1716 South
    Garage Sale

  9. @ michael: lol. tataya muna ako sa lotto para ang prize ko ay kotse na!

    @ iva: thanks. =). pwede kaya drawing ng laptop and prize?

    @ jena isle: thank you very much.

    @ renz: salamat. i would not have made it without my fellow mom bloggers.

    @ cherry: thanks.

    burberry bag ang prize? why not? kaya lang baka hindi ibigay ng libre ni D4.

  10. Happy bloganniversary! grabee!!! you're one of the best! dami mo achievements in just 1 yr of blogging. uy! maganda yung pa-contest ah, kahit bag lang courtesy of D4 okey na LOL.

    next month ako naman mag-anniversary. coffee tayo? sagot... mo hahaha



  11. @ wena: hey! that's a good idea. instead na pa contest e pa kape na lang ako.


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