Thursday, January 29, 2009

I read of a not-so-new method of using colored lenses to help people with reading disabilities. People with reading disabilities see printed pages quite differently. The prints might look faded, swirly, glaring, pops out of the page, etc. The principle behind is that making the background page of a printed material or book a different color would lessen or totally right unwanted effects. The colored lenses can be of blue, green, lavander, yellow, and pink. I asked Ethan's developmental pediatrician about this and he said that he knows someone who does colored lenses. However, he cautioned me that it might work or not. No harm in trying. I called the doctor and set an appointment.

The test took more almost an hour. The doctor asked me of my expectations and I told her all about the Irlen method of colored lenses. She told me that the colored lenses will not cure dyslexia and I said "I know. But the colored lenses might help him focus more on the prints". Ethan's test revealed that he is nearsighted and would be needing eyeglasses for this. The doctor also recommends that his lenses be colored yellow. So! This coming Sunday. Ethan would be sporting his new yellow-lenses-prescription eyeglass. How much? You don't want to know.
Posted by desperateblogger On 1/29/2009 07:02:00 AM 5 comments


  1. You are right that dyslexia glasses can only be expected to resolve visual issues that make reading difficult. Only about 10 % of dyslexics are visual dyslexics.

    See Right Dyslexia Glasses are an alternative to Irlen lenses and have eliminated the need for the expensive personal evaluation and have a money back guarantee.

    Here are some videos about visual dyslexia that you might like to see.

  2. @ johh hayes: thank you so much for this info. i've checked your website. let's see how it can help my grandson.

  3. You guys should know that any colored glasses that are not Irlen are NOT research safe and are not endorsed by the Irlen corporation. The lengthy individual Irlen exam is an essential step in identifying the correct color for your child, as the wrong color can actually have harmful effects. Individuals offering colored lenses that are not Irlen do not use the patented diagnostic or tinting process. Only Irlen lenses are backed by 20 years of scientific research that support their success at helping individuals with perceptual processing disorders. Please do your research before using just ANY colored glasses.

  4. @ anonymous: i actually contacted irlen and asked if they have a branch here in the manila. none. so i took the advice of my grandson's dev ped and went to see the optometrist he referred. the optometrist did a series of tests and found that my grandson is nearsighted. she also tested him as to what colored overlay would help him see the words better.

    however, the optometrist said that the colored lenses might or might not work for there are various degrees of dyslexia.

  5. "Anonymous said...

    You guys should know that any colored glasses that are not Irlen are NOT research safe and are not endorsed by the Irlen corporation."

    Just a couple points. You infer that Irlen will remove every person's visual problems. Then why does Irlen not offer any guarantee?

    As someone that sells visual dyslexia glasses that Have SUCCESSFUL ENOUGH RESULTS to offer a money back guarantee I have no interest in being associated with the Irlen corporation THAT DOESN'T.

    Irlen lenses do help some of the people who pay and have little or no benefit for others.

    Some research studies on Irlen lenses have had positive results, some have had negative results and some have had mixed results.

    BTW even the studies that have positive results don't have positive results for all. Positive conclusions based on group averages give no data that supports a particular individual will benefit from Irlen lenses.

    IMHO, to be able to order See Right Dyslexia Glasses online with paying return postage as the only financial risk is a better decision than paying many times the price for non guaranteed Irlen lenses.

    It was helping an Irlen failure that started me on my path and I have many happy customers that came to me after NOT being helped by Irlen.


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