Saturday, January 24, 2009

I was caught in a three-hour traffic jam yesterday afternoon.A regular 45 minute to 6p0 minute drive turned into a three plus hour nightmare of a traffic due to a sudden downpour. I was on my way to pick up my son from school. Caught in a nerve-wracking,patience-tester of a traffic jam sometimes make me wish that I should have opted an online education for my son. No traffic! What brought about this thought aside from the experienced traffic?

I was browsing the net the other day and found an online school for Real Estate Investment. The college, better known as Nouveau Riche, offers programs for students with varied educational and experience levels. Some of the more notable courses being offered are: S.E.E.K 101 which stands for (Super Entrepreneurial Encyclopedia of Knowledge), R2E2™ (Residential Real Estate Encyclopedia) home study program and the Coaching program session. S.E.E.K offers 10 video modules to cover subjects. Jim Piccolo, Mary Piccolo and Bob Synder have combined the applied knowledge from the Nouveau Riche College and the support from the Nouveau Riche community to change, build and make an impact on the landscape of real estate investing. I was impressed by the 2008 Five Star Winner's Circle - the top five highest sales volume in three consecutive months. That was not an east feat and the Nouveau Riche did its part in educating these top winners.
Posted by desperateblogger On 1/24/2009 12:27:00 PM No comments

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