Friday, September 5, 2008

Summer has come and gone, and still, I'm not slim enough to look good in a swimsuit. Since I missed my target weight last summer, I'll set my hope of finally losing the last 8 lbs before Christmas. Okay now. Walk with me. Here are some tips that you and I need to follow in order to lose weight.

First do not deprive yourself of 7-8 hours of sleep. Sleeping releases serotonin and dopamine, the two feel-good brain chemicals. If you are sleep-deprived your body will crave for the feel-good chemicals and there's an easy way to do that. NO! not drugs, sweets! Notice how you feel like stuffing yourself with sugary food once you lack sleep.

Next, do something. I do not mean run the block or go up and down the stairs for the sake of moving. I mean keep your brain and hands occupied. Surfing the net or blogging or playing computer games is actually better than you watching TV. If you do cross-stitch or you knit, hey these are two more ways to keep brain and hands busy. Next time you feel like opening the fridge, turn on the computer instead.

Avoid too much food choices. Too much choices mean too much eating. Decreasing choices decreases temptation. If you have to eat grilled chicken and salad every lunch, so be it.


Posted by desperateblogger On 9/05/2008 08:54:00 PM No comments

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