I was at the mall the other day and I saw on display my dream car, a Mitsubishi Montero. I want that SUV! I have read that thinking positively sort of pushes you in the right direction. Think good thoughts - that car will be mine. To reinforce the positive chi, I started to browse on personalized plate numbers online. My new Montero can't just have a regular plate number! The plate number should be one of those
cherished number plates - personal and unique. Okay, I found one at http://www.northumbrianumbers.com - Y888 LLS - triple 8 with my initials! How lucky and cool is that!? The site has a wide range of personalized plate numbers: ageless numbers, names of persons, car brands, and others. What I did was just type in the initials and numbers that I wanted, and presto! My very own cherished plate number. Check it out.
cherished number plates - personal and unique. Okay, I found one at http://www.northumbrianumbers.com - Y888 LLS - triple 8 with my initials! How lucky and cool is that!? The site has a wide range of personalized plate numbers: ageless numbers, names of persons, car brands, and others. What I did was just type in the initials and numbers that I wanted, and presto! My very own cherished plate number. Check it out.
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