Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Being an architect I am very particular with easy access and overall movement flow within the infrastructure when designing. I follow rules in suggested minimums in width, depth and height of particulars such as floor to ceiling height, width of hallways, and various standards in all aspects of the design. Call me shallow but I usually base an architect's "genius" in designing by the ease in which his stairs can be accessed. Is the stair width too narrow? Is the riser too high? Do I glide or struggle when I climb up the stairs?

For the younger set, climbing a set of stairs is really no problem but for the older generation, especially to those who have mobility problems, climbing stairs may prove to be difficult if not out right impossible. Thanks to stair lifts risk of injuries and even death is lessened. Stair lifts are perfect for multi-level homes having family members who have difficulty in climbing stairs. The stair lift is easy enough to install and will fit in most straight stairways. The lift folds easily when not in use making it completely non obstructive.

My mother-in-law unfortunately suffered a stroke and was confined to her wheelchair. She had to give up her second-floor bedroom for she no longer can access it. I definitely have to consider installing a stair lift for her.
Posted by desperateblogger On 8/06/2008 06:51:00 AM No comments

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