The 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics is the Olympics closest to my heart. Why? It was the first Olympics that I faithfully followed. Back in the 70's there were only 5 television stations in Manila. Cables and Internet were unthinkable then. There were live telecasts of the games then but I mostly depended on delayed telecasts shown at 2:00 P.M. onwards at Channel 9. I remember rushing to go home from school so as not to miss the 14-year-old-Romanian genius of a gymnast. Nadia Comaneci! She was the first ever gymnast to score a perfect 10 which brought havoc to Montreal's scoring board for it was not calibrated for a 10. So, all of Nadia's perfect 10's came out as 1 in the score board. She took the gold in the overall category as well as in the uneven bars and balance beam.
Nadia went on to compete internationally and even participated at the 1980 Moscow Olympics. She only finished 2nd for she had gained height and weight and girth. She finally retired in 1984 then defected to the USA in 1989. She is married to Bart Conner and has a son. Comaneci is a twice recipient of the Olympic Order and is a member of the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame.
I have a pic of nadia with her autograph. o diba. hindi montenegro ha.
come on! really? show it to me when we see each other or scan and send it by email