What is web hosting? To get your web page on the internet you need a web host. A web host is a company that has computers or servers hooked to the internet on a 24/7 basis. These servers, with assigned IP addresses, are where you, the site owner, store all your web files of all forms: html, css, graphic, and javascript.
There are cheap web hosting services and there are expensive ones. Cheap does not translate to poor web hosting services as expensive does not necessarily means a great web host. Having just bought a new domain name, I am naturally considering the next logical step of transferring my web page to an independent web hosting company.
In my search for a good web hosting company I stumbled on a site with articles regarding
multiple domain hosting. As I have two blog sites, this article naturally caught my attention. The site is a minefield of information regarding web hosting. It touches on subjects from how to gauge the best web hosting companies to tutorials to scripting to security.
If you are seriously considering getting a web hosting service check out the Web Hosting Rating first.
There are cheap web hosting services and there are expensive ones. Cheap does not translate to poor web hosting services as expensive does not necessarily means a great web host. Having just bought a new domain name, I am naturally considering the next logical step of transferring my web page to an independent web hosting company.
In my search for a good web hosting company I stumbled on a site with articles regarding
multiple domain hosting. As I have two blog sites, this article naturally caught my attention. The site is a minefield of information regarding web hosting. It touches on subjects from how to gauge the best web hosting companies to tutorials to scripting to security.
If you are seriously considering getting a web hosting service check out the Web Hosting Rating first.
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