Baby Boomers. I sincerely hope that you have heard the term. In case you have not, Baby Boomers were the generation born between 1946-1964. After WW2, there came an unusual spike in birth rate worldwide-a phenomenon commonly known as the baby boom.I am a baby boomer, a tweener, to be more precise. A tweener is the generation who were kids in the 60's and teeners in the 70's.
I gave birth to two generation xs or gen-exers (1964-1981) or the MTV generation. I have three Y Generation (1981-2001) kids and a Z Generation grandson. What generation do you belong to? I am assuming most of you reading this post belong to the X and Y generations. These are the two generations who grew up with video games, MTV and the phenomenal rise of communication: internet, cellular phone, MP3, Ipod and what have you! These are tools, however, are not so alien to an even older generation than mine - the silent generation (1925-1945) - the Xs and Ys grandparents and the boomers' parents. I know a lot persons who are silent gen'rs and they are still into internet, Ipod and texting. Matter of fact, the silent generation are retired and basking in their hard-earned money and pensions!
So, do I have a reader who belongs to the silent generation?
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