Monday, May 5, 2008

Iron Man rocks! I have always liked Robert Downey Jr. He is one of today's best romantic-comedy actors. I so adored him as Larry Paul, the lawyer boyfriend of Ally in the defunct Ally McBeal show. For the longest time, Robert was a self-confessed drug dependent. He lost so many leading roles in the offing because of his addiction.

When I heard that Downey Jr. was playing the role of Tony Stark aka Iron Man, I was not impressed. I cannot imagine him playing the role of a Marvel super hero. He is just too glam for an action hero role. Think: Brad Pitt as the Hulk. Ewww... With great uncertainty, my kids, Ethan and I went to see the movie.

Surprise! Surprise! Robert did justice to the role. He was not the cutesy-cuddly Robert of old but a mature, highly buffed, toned muscle, withasenseofhumor-sexy Iron Man. He fitted the role to a big capital T! His body looked so toned and lithe, I felt like drooling. The scene that impressed me most was when numerous robotic hands were putting on his gear! Kewl!, Ethan said.

I liked the movie. Why? Because I was not expecting the movie to be of consequence yet it delivered. I was actually expecting Robert Downey Jr. liken to a square peg in a round hole. However: I was mesmerized! Captivated! Iron Man 2?
Posted by desperateblogger On 5/05/2008 01:28:00 AM 5 comments


  1. I think we can post Robert Downey in our Topless Men for the Week.haha

  2. I bet Iron Man's weakness would be a can opener :)

  3. LOL They got Robert probably because he fit the psychological profile of Ironman.

  4. spamaniac; go ahead. make my day.

    splice: ethan will so hate you! =)

    ozy: what's robert's pschy profile?

  5. Hi everyone, I sure hope you stayed until after the credits rolled past :)


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