There is a growing concern today regarding the use of antiperspirants and deodorants. Its main components, aluminum and parabens are said to be linked with breast cancer among women. Aluminum compounds in antiperspirants and deodorants bind themselves to the sweat effectively plugging the glands while parabens are used as preservatives.
The aluminum and parabens in hygienic products are linked to breast cancer because it is believed that the skin can absorb these elements. Women shave their underarms and in the process sometimes nick the skin resulting in more absorption of the questionable elements.
Independent studies have been made regarding the link between aluminum and parabens with breast cancer. Results of the studies are still inconclusive. There are two views on the issue. A study done in 2003 found that women who use such products and shave their underarms are more likely to develop breast cancer at an early age. Whereas a study done in 2002 and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute concludes that there is no link between deodorants and breast cancer.
You will notice that all deodorants and antiperspirants have warnings that it should not be used in broken skin. Why? Do the manufacturers of such products know something that the public does not? What is your opinion? Join the Breast Cancer Link Debate. Let's try to figure this one out.
The aluminum and parabens in hygienic products are linked to breast cancer because it is believed that the skin can absorb these elements. Women shave their underarms and in the process sometimes nick the skin resulting in more absorption of the questionable elements.
Independent studies have been made regarding the link between aluminum and parabens with breast cancer. Results of the studies are still inconclusive. There are two views on the issue. A study done in 2003 found that women who use such products and shave their underarms are more likely to develop breast cancer at an early age. Whereas a study done in 2002 and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute concludes that there is no link between deodorants and breast cancer.
You will notice that all deodorants and antiperspirants have warnings that it should not be used in broken skin. Why? Do the manufacturers of such products know something that the public does not? What is your opinion? Join the Breast Cancer Link Debate. Let's try to figure this one out.
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