My birthday had passed.
Do I feel older?
Do I feel wiser?
So what do I feel?
I feel bloated and heavy.
I had lunch with Ruby (my friend) yesterday. She treated me at Las Paellas where we had salad, pork chops and pasta. After lunch we crossed the street and had tea, coffee and oatmeal cookies at Starbucks. I then picked up Ethan, drove through Jollibee (where I lost my temper because the car in front of me took 10 minutes to order because she was trying to decide what toy to get with her Jolly meal) and bought french fries and orange juice for Ethan.
I nicked a couple of fries from Ethan. I then picked up my 2nd daughter from school, proceeded home and at 6:30 pm left the house with 3 of my kids, hubby and Ethan.
Yesterday was my father-in-law's 7th death anniversary. Yes, he died on my birthday. My in-laws, having the mentality of everything is abundant, have been celebrating (?) the death anniversary of their father with a mass, then catered food for their relatives and friends for the past six years.
Right, for the past 6 years I have not held a party on my birhtday date because of the that. Free party for me. As usual the food was a-plenty and I was stuffed, thus, an after-party bloatness prevails.
No eats today.
Do I feel older?
Do I feel wiser?
So what do I feel?
I feel bloated and heavy.
I had lunch with Ruby (my friend) yesterday. She treated me at Las Paellas where we had salad, pork chops and pasta. After lunch we crossed the street and had tea, coffee and oatmeal cookies at Starbucks. I then picked up Ethan, drove through Jollibee (where I lost my temper because the car in front of me took 10 minutes to order because she was trying to decide what toy to get with her Jolly meal) and bought french fries and orange juice for Ethan.
I nicked a couple of fries from Ethan. I then picked up my 2nd daughter from school, proceeded home and at 6:30 pm left the house with 3 of my kids, hubby and Ethan.
Yesterday was my father-in-law's 7th death anniversary. Yes, he died on my birthday. My in-laws, having the mentality of everything is abundant, have been celebrating (?) the death anniversary of their father with a mass, then catered food for their relatives and friends for the past six years.
Right, for the past 6 years I have not held a party on my birhtday date because of the that. Free party for me. As usual the food was a-plenty and I was stuffed, thus, an after-party bloatness prevails.
No eats today.
i agree that's alot of food for one day. belated! :0)