Thursday, March 20, 2008

my son doing his thing

As my son, 3rd daughter and husband were on their way home last night, my son told his dad that he needs to buy something at MOA ( that's Mall of Asia ). So a quick detour was made. Dad and 3rd daughter went trailing after son. What the heck is he looking for? Finally.

Dad, said the son, can I have 1 K? I only have 1 K and this thing that I have to buy is worth 2K.
What are you going to buy anyway? the dad asked.
This really cool skateboard that operates like a twist car. answered son.
The 3rd daughter reacted: What? mom said no unless you buy it with your own money.Son looked at dad with imploring eyes. Okay here's 1K go buy your board said the spoiler dad.

the 2,800 Php skateboard

The board turned out to be 2,800 php but father and son bought it anyway. I was watching television last night when I heard the floor creaked and the side door slammed. I went out to check. Father and son where out on the street testing the board, at 11:30 pm.

Posted by desperateblogger On 3/20/2008 07:40:00 PM 6 comments


  1. Cool! So it's not oblong-shaped anymore. I suppose the designers have some functional explanation for the new shape the board's sporting. :-)

    BTW, you got tagged here

  2. Skateboards were not shaped this way when I was in high school back in the 80s, haha. Anyway Lena, I got you a tag. Hope you can check it out.

  3. maybe boys never grow old when it comes to toys. my husband is already 31 years old and i guess the thing with toys and gadgets never really fades within them maybe that's why the dad really bought the new board...he wanna see good toys in action. nice post!

    Pinay Mommy

  4. haha that's funny. nice skateboard though. :)

  5. my son is also asking for one. i have a tag for you, please check my site.

    happy easter!

  6. hey everyone: the skateboard has only two wheels as compared to the old 4-wheel design.

    the board itself twists. the front movement counteracts with the back movement of the board: you press down on the front with your heel while you press down at the back with your toe.

    i tried it. my son had to hold me throughout thou....


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