It’s alarming that there seems to be a swine flu epidemic Mexico. The Mexican government has ordered a five-day shot down as it struggled to fight the growing spread of influenza A (H1N1). Although flu vaccinations in humans could not possibly prevent swine flu, it is still a relief to know that my immune system had been boosted by the Vaxigrip flu immunization that I had.
I was informed that a second wave of flu vaccinations would be sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur. I missed the first campaign and I have resolved that I will not miss the second Bakuna sa Flu campaign. Ethan and I were set for the flu shots. However, as Forrest Gump says “sh*ts happens”. Ethan contacted the trangkaso two days prior to the event. He was running a fever from 39° Celsius to 41° Celsius. I was in panic mode! My daughter (the doctor) thought of inserting an IV to better manage Ethan’s high fever. The fever was uncontrollable. My fault. I should have not missed the first Bakuna sa Flu campaign.
I was informed that a second wave of flu vaccinations would be sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur. I missed the first campaign and I have resolved that I will not miss the second Bakuna sa Flu campaign. Ethan and I were set for the flu shots. However, as Forrest Gump says “sh*ts happens”. Ethan contacted the trangkaso two days prior to the event. He was running a fever from 39° Celsius to 41° Celsius. I was in panic mode! My daughter (the doctor) thought of inserting an IV to better manage Ethan’s high fever. The fever was uncontrollable. My fault. I should have not missed the first Bakuna sa Flu campaign.
I attended the second Sanofi Pasteur Bakuna sa Flu campaign on March 7,2009 at Max’s Tiendesitas. The place was filled with mommy bloggers with their kids. Sanofi Pasteur was to give free flu vaccines for the mom bloggers and their kids. I brought along daughter #4 and we were one of the first ones to arrive.
• Persons 50 years or above
• Children 6 months to 23 months
• Adults and children with chronic health conditions:
• Chronic health disease (congestive heart failure, hypertensive cardiovascular disease, valvular heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, stroke)
• Chronic lung disease (COPD, asthma, bronchitis)
• Chronic renal dysfunction
After the short talk a lot of questions were asked by the participating bloggers. Through the many questions I learned that pregnant women past the first trimester are safe to be immunized, so are those with colds, but not those with fever. I also learned that the vaccine is made of dead flu viruses and that it would take two weeks for the flu immunity to build up to its full strength. After that came vaccination time. Here are the many faces of the flu vaccination.
The flu vaccination was a success. Sanofi Pasteur is tenacious in its campaign to prevent flu in the Philippines. The brand Vaxigrip is the brand to look for. According to daughter #1, MD, it’s one of the best flu brands available in the Philippines today. After the vaccination came the fun part – snacks! I met some fellow mom bloggers and we all had a blast exchanging tidbits. The Max’s friend chicken did not fail us too. Delicious as always!
The event was wrapped up with Sanofi Pasteur in conjunction with Nuffnang Philippines giving out these bags filled with goodies. Thank you Sanofi Pasteur.
A Flu awareness campaign brought to you by Sanofi Pasteur
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