Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I know (and have used) a lot of appetite suppressants out in the market since the 1980s. A lot of them worked but only to a certain point as in the end, the dieter loses the energy to even bat her eyes. Yes, the diet pills are so effective, the dieter loses the will to eat. Simple. If you do not eat, you do not have the energy to do anything so your body goes to starvation mode which means your metabolism slows down. When metabolism slows down, you get stuck at your present weight. Vicious cycle I tell you. Anyway I heard about this new Jillian Michaels pill that suppresses appetite yet boosts energy. Great combination - you eat less but exercise more. Give me that pill!
Posted by desperateblogger On 5/26/2010 04:28:00 PM 3 comments


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  2. @ debt consolidation: thanks for the advice.

  3. But do you know how to get some IP translations?


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