Are you aware that a lot of local airlines are dropping their ticket sales to as much as 1 Php per seat? Of course the price of the ticket is not really one peso as there are other fees that are included. Nevertheless, plane tickets are still priced low. Our roundtrip plane ticket to Puerto Princesa was pegged at 1,450 Php only. Great, right?! So when three competitive local airlines opened slots for low-rates plane tickets, my girls and I had each had a laptop trying to get in the three airline sites to book tickets to "anywhere" as long as it's cheap. After an hour or so of chaos and incessant cacophony of shrills and squeaks, we were booked!- all 16 of us. Yes, some cousins and in-laws are tagging along and everyone is so excited. We are booked on different airlines because no one airline can accommodate us.
We are off to an island paradise! Everyone has started hitting the gym; doing cardiovascular and pumping iron in the hope of looking buff and slim for the beach. "Okay now", I said. " The best thing that you can do to lose your rolls of fat is to lessen your food consumption." Here's hoping they do lose the extra weight. If not, there's always thermogenic fat burners that I heard are really effective. Read reviews and label first before you try one though.
We are off to an island paradise! Everyone has started hitting the gym; doing cardiovascular and pumping iron in the hope of looking buff and slim for the beach. "Okay now", I said. " The best thing that you can do to lose your rolls of fat is to lessen your food consumption." Here's hoping they do lose the extra weight. If not, there's always thermogenic fat burners that I heard are really effective. Read reviews and label first before you try one though.
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