Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's too dang hot! I am now sporting a tan even if my only exposure to the sun is the walk from the school or mall's parking lot to my car. From where I live, using an umbrella to ward off the sun's ray is a common practice. I guess using an umbrella to ward off the sun must look pretty weird to people from the Northern hemisphere.

My kids and I were in Washington DC one summer visiting the many sites. The hop from one site to another entailed a lot of walking under sun. UVB and UVA rays are my skin's worst enemies so I brought out my umbrella and used it. I swear, the Caucasians at the park where all looking at the crazy Asian with the umbrella. Who cares?! I need to protect my skin. Too much sun causes wrinkles.

Now, I have proof that too much birthdays cause wrinkles too! I need an anti wrinkle cream. I wonder which brand is best? Now I know what crow's feet are.
Posted by desperateblogger On 3/23/2010 07:20:00 AM 1 comment

1 comment:

  1. hahhaha Yes the look on their faces when Asians bring out their umbrellas during hot, sunny weather! ;)

    Oh, I don't like umbrella much so I get sun soaked most of the time :)


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