Saturday, April 25, 2009

Asbestos was the wonder product from the 1930'2 to late 1970's. However, in the 1980's asbestos was banned from production and use. It was found that the material causes asbestosis and mesothelioma, a type of asbestos-caused cancer. The effect of constant asbestos exposure is only evident after 10 to 50 years after rampant exposure. So those exposed decades ago are just only diagnosed. If you still don't know here is a short list of materials that could have asbestos: Cement Pipes,Cement Wallboard,Cement Siding,Asphalt Floor Tile,Vinyl Floor Tile,Vinyl Sheet Flooring, Flooring Backing, Construction Mastics (floor, tile, carpet, ceiling tile, etc.),Acoustical Plaster, Decorative Plaster,Textured Paints/Coatings and many more. It is always advisable to look at the component of a material you wish to install in your house. Although banned, asbestos in houses and other old constructions are still evident.

The worst effect of asbestos is mesothelioma. It is a type of cancer from asbestos exposure. It's one type of cancer that is quite hard to treat but a site calle Mesothelioma Help is offering a full range of different Mesothelioma treatment options for those afflicted. Check it our for more information.
Posted by desperateblogger On 4/25/2009 11:17:00 AM 2 comments


  1. thanks for the info! i did'nt know that until i read all about still exposed pa rin tayo even in our own home!

  2. @ mayette: depends. if your house is fairly new, then there's not much fear about asbestos exposure as it had been banned in the 1980's. pero i think there are still some products today that use a small percentage of asbestos.


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