Thursday, April 29, 2010

Climbing up and down the more than 400 steps to get to the cleanest, clearest, coolest and most breathtaking lake in the Philippines is not an easy feat. The steps are steep and crumbling in parts. If I only knew, I would have worn my trekking boots and not my flimsy flip flops. The steps to Kayangan lake is no place to wear your fancy Christian Louboutin sandals either. We had to take a break midway to catch our breath. We would have not minded so much if only we did not have to carefully watch each step as there are ones that are falling to pieces. I asked the tour guide if there's an easy access to the lake. There was none. I guess getting to see the lake is limited to those who could navigate the steps.

The 412 steps was worth it. The fresh water lake was so refreshing we didn't want to leave. It is a sad flight that more Filipinos prefer to travel to see the sights of other countries whereas they have yet to see the wonders of their native Philippines.

wait!...i have to put on lipstick first!

my first glimpse of the lake....

deck for getting to the lake ...

jump right in! the water's fine....

hanging on a two-pole bamboo floater...
Posted by desperateblogger On 4/29/2010 02:06:00 PM 3 comments


  1. Your trip seems fun and full of adventure!

    "It is a sad flight that more Filipinos prefer to travel to see the sights of other countries whereas they have yet to see the wonders of their native Philippines."

    That is so true! Philippines have a lot to offer if us locals will just try to explore our country's hidden beauty! And good on you for doing it!

    Continue the fun and excitement!

  2. Bakit mukhang pagud na pagud ka? Hahaha....did you say 400 steps? Meron bang tulugan dun kasi pag ako umakyat dun ilang araw aabutin....

    The view of that picture pa lang yan. That's why M is so eager to see the place.

    Happy weekend!


  3. I'm already feel refresh just watching the photos,pano pa kaya sa personal, kaya lng 400+ steps, d kaya ko hikain dun. :(, anyways it's worth the trip nmn di ba. LOL..


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