Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A friend just came home of a month's vacation in Florida. Oh she was tanned and fit and glowing. She said Florida's great but during her last days of stay, the temperature steadily went down until it reached 0 degree. In Florida, that was very unusual and all the orange farms were put in a bind as frost could definitely ruin the produce. Anyway she said that all she had were summer clothes as she left the bulk of her luggage in Seattle.

On her to a friend's house, the car that she was driving suddenly stalled. She had no idea what to do so she called her host family and they helpfully called in a breakdown service company for roadside assistance. When the service came, she had no recourse but to get out of the car. Nothing wrong with that but since she had no jacket or sweater with her, she had to make do with a fleece blanket wrapped around her. I can just imagine how funny she must have looked.
Posted by desperateblogger On 1/24/2012 08:24:00 AM No comments

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