Monday, December 20, 2010

My son's 9-month old 15" laptop decided to quit. Yes, quit. One moment it was happily browsing the web then the next thing my son knew, the LCD screen was a white. Oh the laptop was turned-on for the power indicator was on. My son did all he could do but still the LCD remained blank. He decided to connect his laptop to a desktop monitor and lo! it worked - the laptop is in tandem with the desktop's monitor. I told my son that he just need to lug the monitor with him in school. "Hahaha"... laughed my son in a mirthless manner. I have already called the service department since the laptop is still under warranty.

The other day, D2's laptop decided to go "blank". The LCD was black and not white. D2 manipulated her laptop this way and that. Finally, at a 35 degree angle lo! the screen went "on". However, how the heck can one type with the keyboard tilted at a degree? My son and D2, I think, need an Industrial pc! Or! They need to change their brand as they have the same brand of laptops. I wonder if I can mention the brand of their lemon laptops...
Posted by desperateblogger On 12/20/2010 08:43:00 AM No comments

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