Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I have dark circles around my eyes. I have been keeping late nights meeting deadlines as a freelancer. I lost 2 writers and for the last 5 months have been flying solo. I have 3 other "not-very-committed" writers and they seem to have vanished too. I think they just can't cope up with the "demands" I make regarding deadlines and content.

Not that I'm complaining but sometimes I have to work on Sundays too because of my commitment. My clients are happy and that is what's important. A client even gave me an $80 bonus on top of my regular fees to show his appreciation. Another client gave me $100 when I got sick. Another client extended his deadline indefinitely just to accommodate me.

Who said the world is lacking of good people? There are plenty out there. The secret is to be kind and understanding yourself. The Law of Attraction and the Golden Rule applies here too.
Posted by desperateblogger On 10/26/2010 07:17:00 AM No comments

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