Friday, August 16, 2013

The 10 billion Php pork barrel scam does not only involve its alleged "mastermind" Janet Lim Napoles but a number of unscrupulous politicians whose mission in life is to steal from the Filipinos who they pledged to serve and help. Who is to blame? In my opinion - the Filipinos who voted for these "trapos" and the Philippine government and its agencies that continue to turn "blind"  to the atrocities these "trapos" continue to do. 

Corruption is everywhere. I have a friend who proudly told me that she was in the ghost payroll of our local government years ago. I guess the "salary" stopped coming due to change of administration. I know of contractors who "bid" on local projects just for the sake of bidding knowing full well that the project is theirs. It is a known fact among contractors that the SOP when winning a bid is to set aside 30% for the concerned official. What can I do? I can't very well approach another official and report what I know for I have no proof, only hearsay. And in the event that I do have proof, who do I approach? Almost every official is reeks with corruption.

It's so sad to think that there are millions of Filipinos who are living below poverty line and then there's this bunch of devious, deceitful, greedy people who  "rob" the Filipinos. I cannot imagine how one can stomach such corruption!
Posted by desperateblogger On 8/16/2013 08:47:00 AM No comments

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