Saturday, August 4, 2012

I need a new laptop! Aside from everyone in the family have changed theirs, my laptop has been "battered" in  the last three years. It's actually a mini and the letters on the keyboard are either faded or flaking. Yes, I can barely read the letters. If someone who has not memorized the letters in a keyboard uses my laptop, woe on him/her. 

My son's laptop is only a year old. Before he bought a new one, he really tried to make the old one work. He left the laptop at home and attached the sign format hard drive - which was meant for me. Guess what?! Right! The formatting did not fix the laptop so hubby was forced to buy a new one. Taking all things into consideration, I think I do need to buy a new one.
Posted by desperateblogger On 8/04/2012 10:09:00 PM No comments

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